Singapore Employment Pass Guide


The Employment Pass is the main type of Singapore work visa. Ministry of Manpower (MOM) issues it to foreign professionals wanting to work in Singapore legally. Singaporean employer or appointed agent or local sponsor applies to MOM to get this pass for the foreign professionals.

Overseas employers without a registered Singapore office, too, can hire foreigners to work in Singapore. They must get one of the local companies to act as a local sponsor on their behalf. This sponsor applies to MOM manually and obtains this pass for the new employee of the overseas employer.

EP Doesn’t Allow You To Be The Director of Your Singapore Company

MOM has strict requirements for the EP applicants. There are three types of Employment Passes; P1, P2, & Q1. However, foreign professionals, even those having job offers, cannot self-apply for any of them. To qualify for one, they must have:

The job seekers can judge their chances of getting an EP by using a Self-Assessment Tool.

Key Facts of Employment Pass (EP)

Employment Pass Quota

There is no quota fixed for awarding EP visas. Before approving EP, MOM takes into account the credentials of the employer and the foreign professionals.

Types of Employment Pass – P1, P2, and Q1

There are three types of Employment Passes – P1, P2, and Q1, with Q1 being the lowest category. The foreign professionals applying for an EP must fulfil the eligibility criteria prescribed for the type:

Eligibility Criteria as per Employment Pass Types

P1 Pass
P2 Pass
Q1 Pass

Personalized Employment Pass (PEP)

PEP is a specialised employment pass for high earning foreign professionals. It offers greater flexibility to the pass holders when it comes to job-hopping.

Eligibility Criterion:
Requirements for holding the PEP

Procedure for EP Application

Requirement to Advertise on Job Bank

Singapore companies need to first post or advertise the vacancy on the Jobs Bank for a minimum of 14 days before filing an application for an EP.

However, there is no need for the company to do so, if:

Employment Pass Application and Processing

Any Singapore company or an appointed agent wanting to apply for an EP must follow the steps given below:

Step 1. Submit an EP Application Online

Submit an online application on EP Online portal or in a rare case, manually.

Step 2. MOM’s Approval Letter

MOM sends emails containing In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letters to foreign applicants using EP Online. They have 6 months to come to Singapore and request their EP.

Step 3. Employment Pass Issue

The professionals need to be in Singapore to collect their Employment Pass. It will help if they have submitted following info at EP Online:

They need to present the IPA letter and the following documents:

*The foreign professionals will be issued an entry visa along with their EP visa with the IPA letter to enter Singapore and collect EP. The Dependant’s Pass, if already applied, will be issued with EP visa.

**Their IPA letter will state if they need to produce a medical examination report with a list of tests mentioned. They can acquire the report from any medical centre in their country or in Singapore.

Step 4. EP Notification Letter

If everything is as per the requirements of MOM, EP is issued immediately. The authorities issues notification letter which allows the foreign professionals to work and travel in and out of Singapore. It is valid for 1 month.

Step 5. Finger Prints and Photo

The notification letter may ask them to contact Employment Pass Service to register their fingerprints and photo. They need to go with:

Step 6. Receive Employment Pass

The foreign professionals can expect to receive their employment pass within the 4 working days.

How to Handle Employment Pass Rejection

There is no guarantee that an EP will be approved just by filling and submitting an application. If it is rejected for the first time, Singapore employer or the agent can appeal to MOM within 3 months.

The new information in the appeal must address the issues in rejection advisory. It may result in the approval of EP application. However, it means processing time of two-three weeks.

How to Renew Employment Pass

MOM may choose to renew an EP for up to the period of 3 years. Singapore employer or agent must send EP renewal request online to MOM. It can be sent as early as 6 months prior to the expiry date.

The agency must receive it at least 2 weeks before the expiry. If it is not renewed in time, they have to apply for a new EP. After receiving new EP card, the professionals have to send their old one to the MOM.

EP Cancellation

Sometimes, the EP holder stops working for the employer or the EP expires, the employing company or its agent need to apply for cancellation of the holder’s pass within 1 week.

It can be done using EP Online portal. The EP holder gets cancellation acknowledgement letter. They receive a short-term visit pass if they are still in Singapore. All related Dependant Passes, Long Term Visit Passes, LOC and work permits will also be cancelled.

While leaving Singapore, the EP holders need to surrender short term visit pass to immigration. The company must return cancelled EP card to MOM within a week to MOM.

Before cancelling the EP, the company need to get tax clearance from IRAS and pay for EP holder’s return air-fare home.

EP Card Replacement

For the lost or damaged EP card, the company or agent need to apply online for a replacement within 1 week. For a stolen card, a police report needs to be submitted with the application.

If the EP holder is out of Singapore, the company must notify MOM so that it can issue the holder a letter to enter Singapore.

The fees to replace EP Card are as follows:

MOM gives instructions, and the EP holder has 4 working days to collect the new card at the Employment Pass Services Centre. They must come with the following documents:

EP Holders and Passes for Their Family

There are no major differences in the employee passes P1, P2, & Q1. All three EP visas allow the holder to bring along their spouse and children. However, the Q1 pass holders do not qualify for Long-Term Social Visit Pass for their significant others.

The Employment Pass holders can apply for Dependant Pass (DP) for their immediate family members such as:

The foreign professionals at the time of submitting their EP application should also file the DP applications for their family members. The DP is automatically approved with the approval of EP visa. Both the visas will have a common expiry date.

Well, this is all about the Singapore Employment Pass. We are a registered filing agent providing customized solutions to the small companies in Singapore. If your company is hiring foreign workers and needs work passes for them, contact us on +65-6536 0036 or email us at for more info.