Presentation on theme: "SUPRA SAEINDIA 2019 BUSINESS PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

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2 Instructions >>
Aim >> The objective of the presentation event is to evaluate the team's ability to develop and deliver a comprehensive business case that will convince the executives of a corporation that the team's design best meets the demands of the amateur, weekend competition market, and that it can be profitably manufactured and marketed. The judges should be treated as if they were executives of a corporation who an invest for the mass production of your design and prototype. Teams should assume that the "executives" represent different areas of a corporate organization, including engineering, production, marketing and finance, and thus may not all be engineers. Instructions >> Use the given format only, no other format will be accepted and presentation should not be more than 9 slides. Last date for submission of the presentation is Friday 21st June, 2019 by 1700 Hrs. Business Presentation must be submitted to id only with subject name Team No_Team_Name_Business Presentation and file name Team No_Team_Name_Business Presentation. A penalty of 5 marks per day maximum upto 25 marks shall be applied for late submission of business presentation and team submitting after 5 days of last date will be considered non submission and that team will not be evaluated for business presentation during main event. Total time for presentation per team during main event = 25 minutes. Use of videos, photos, animation, graphics, charts and prototype etc is encouraged in the presentation. Presentations must be prepared in MS PowerPoint format and maximum size should not exceed 10 MB. Also Carry the presentation in main event in a formatted pen drive with file name

3 Presentation Requirements
Slide-1: Title page Same as the title page of the format. Slide-2: Vehicle Views Photograph of the actual vehicle must be shown. Slide-3: Features of Vehicle Include Technical Specifications in brief. Slide-4: Different Concepts & Variants Clearly specify the different concepts & variants that may be used as a consumer product depending upon the customers’ requirement. Slide-5: Unique Selling Proposition of Vehicle (USP) Technical as well as general qualities. Why customer should buy your vehicle.

4 Slide-6: Plant Layout for Mass Production
For the mass production of your design describe the machinery used, investment for compete setup, material & process flow etc. Slide-7: Cost of Product In Mass Production Cost estimations of a single vehicle when produced in bulk (say 1000 vehicles per year). This will be cost to the company including all taxes. Slide-8: Break Even Analysis Selling price of the vehicle, Calculate time and number of units for break even (Return on Investment) for the corporate firm if they will fabricate your design. Slide-9: Promotional Strategies Who will be targeted customers. Elaborate the strategies to be adopted for the branding of the product. Specify how will be customers be reached out. (A promotional video/ poster etc can be used in addition).