Why Our Operating Agreement Is Better

First of all, it’s important to understand why an operating agreement is critical when using a LLC or a FLP in your asset protection planning. You see, LLCs and FLPs are partnerships in their legal sense. Assets inside the LLC/FLP are not owned by individual partners separately, but by the entire partnership as a whole. The fact that the LLC and FLP are partnerships is what makes them such ideal entities for asset protection.

When there is not a written operating agreement among the partners, there simply is no formal partnership. Just because you register an LLC or an FLP in your state doesn’t mean that you have a real partnership when it comes to protecting your assets.

If your LLC/FLP is ever challenged in court, the first thing the opposing legal counsel and the judge will ask for is your operating agreement. If you don’t have one, it’s likely that the judge will disregard your LLC/FLP as just an extension or alter ego of the owners. Even if you have an operating agreement, you want to make sure that it’s really doing what you want, which is asset protection

Many customers ask about our operating agreement. They have checked into the discount services available and find that the operating agreements are either nonexistent or very poorly drafted. In some cases, the discount formation companies even sell operating agreements that specifically allow a creditor to attach the assets. A recent Internet article discussed how one of the major discount company formation firm sold an operating agreement to a client, that resulted in over $3 million in settlements due to a business disagreement. What do we offer that the competition does not? Here are just a few examples.

The purpose of the operating agreement is to have a clear understanding between the partners at the time the LLC or FLP is formed. It is to have all parties agree to the terms and conditions. If an outside creditor tries an attack on a member’s interest, then the agreement makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for that creditor to ever get a viable interest in the entity.